If a business you are dealing with has financial problems you need help from a lawyer who can get the best possible result for you.
If the business owes you money we can
Move quickly to preserve your position
Make an early assessment of your chances of recovering your money
Exert the maximum possible pressure to ensure your business has the best chance of being paid
Deal quickly with spurious excuses for not paying you
Recover any goods you have delivered to reduce your debt providing you have the right clause in your contract (and most do but many are not aware how to enforce them)
Arrange the appointment of a liquidator or administrator
Present your claim to a liquidator or administrator in the best possible way
Negotiate continuing supplies to a company in liquidation or administration to help mitigate your losses
Help you take part in the investigation of the business's affairs
Structure formal complaints about the activities of the directors of a company that will lead to prosecution or disqualification
Buying the assets of a business in difficulties